In this series of posts, we'll go through a group of load balancing algorithms studying their strengths, weaknesses, guarantees, and applications.

What and why?

It all started when a friend of mine complained about how the load balancing algorithm he was using wasn't delivering the outcomes he was expecting. Because of his somewhat unique use case I was very intrigued, so I decided to help him solve the issue. Not long after, I found myself researching the literature on all the load balancing algorithms I could find. After a while, I decided to build a simulation to better evaluate the algorithms based on:

Each algorithm serves a particular use case on a different side of the spectrum. Which should cater to most applications, ranging from CDNs to CRUD applications that keep their state in a centralized database.

All the algorithms are implemented and published as part of Liblb.


List of algorithms


The simulation is derived from a day's worth of anonymized real traffic logs donated from a major Online Classifieds site in the Middle East, which makes the study more meaningful than a randomly generated traffic. before explaining the simulation let's talk about its Components:

Now that we got this out of the way, let's see how the simulation works:

  1. Client: Extracts the user's IP from the logs.
  2. Client: Sends the IP to the GeoServer host the liblb gave it (for example) based on the selected algorithm.
  3. GeoServer Host: Checks its in-memory cache, if found it increments a cache hit counter and it returns the cached result.